04 Feb 2016
February 4, 2016

What is a Cobb Angle?

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The Cobb angle is an angular measure of deformity of the spine in the coronal (frontal plane). It is named after American orthopedic surgeon John Robert Cobb, who wanted to find an accurate and consistent measure for the severity of spinal deformities, in particular scoliosis. To measure the Cobb angle you need to: Identify the.. read more →

07 Dec 2015
December 7, 2015

Finding The Right Pillow

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Finding the right pillow can be really hard work (or a real pain in the neck!), choosing the wrong one can be the difference between a good night’s sleep and a restless night, which can then result in neck pain and tension. With most of us spending at least one third of our day in.. read more →

The short answer is yes, but why? With 70-90% of Australians suffering from lower back pain at some point in their lives[1], combined with evidence that 68% of 40 year olds and 80% of 50 year olds have some level of disc degeneration[2]. Throw all that in with the sedentary nature of our current lifestyles,.. read more →

19 Jun 2015
June 19, 2015

What Is Dry Needling?

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Dry Needling therapy began around the early 1900’s but quickly developed as a useful and safe treatment option for patients suffering from both acute and chronic musculoskeletal injuries. Dry Needling is a technique in relieving pain originating from many sources especially local muscle trigger points also known as Myofascial Trigger Points (MTrP’s). Placing an acupuncture.. read more →

So not only has the ice melted but rest is getting a move along. For a long time, the common practice has been to rest an injury. Immobilise the joint or muscle for a period of time until the pain has subsided. So why has this changed? Well it is due to our better understanding.. read more →

Do you find yourself reaching for ice or heat when you have an ache, pain or an injury? It can be confusing to know which one you should use and when. A lot of people reach for ice when they have an injury; this is probably because at some point in time they have been.. read more →

During pregnancy your body undergoes a large amount of change in order to prepare for the birth of your child. Your body prepares by releasing a hormone called relaxin, which increases the elasticity of muscles, tendons, ligaments and tissues of the pelvis and birth canal. This creates greater mobility throughout the pelvis to prepare for.. read more →

As an Osteopath I am always on my feet, so naturally good footwear has always been important. As the temperature warms up we all transition from our supportive shoes to our thongs (otherwise known as pluggers or flip-flops). This summer I decided to purchase a more supportive pair of thongs for my feet. They had.. read more →

What is a frozen shoulder? It is also known as adhesive capsulitis. Basically the capsule that surrounds the shoulder becomes inflamed and stiffens. This will normally only occur in one shoulder, though in approximately 1 in 5 cases it can occur in both shoulders. Why does it happen? The cause is still poorly understood. It.. read more →

These are some of the sciatic nerve and posterior chain stretches and mobility exercises that we like to prescribe to patients. While these exercises maybe useful in reducing symptoms of lower back pain and sciatica, they can also exacerbate them. Make sure you check with one of the practitioners at Victoria Sports and Rehabilitation Clinic before completing.. read more →